31 Oct

A great big thank you to those of you who continue to reach out to let us know just how happy you are that we're properly back and accessible to all.

And, to those simply reaching out with ideas for future content, we're always grateful to see members so early on getting involved! And again thanks to those of you already asking how you can get involved. Every single one of you will have received individual responses. We're looking forward to working with you!! Today I'd like to say a great big "thank you" for being a part of what is clearly already once again becoming a supportive and inspirational group. Wishing you all a brilliant week ahead and look forward to having you join the journey! Ps- we are currently taking details of anyone wanting to sell their products on this site. If that's you and you haven't already reached out, do take a moment to get in touch and let us know

 The Online Women's Development Network 

Many working towards the progress & development of All

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