05 Dec

Ever read the book “Feel the fear and do it anyway?” by Susan Jeffers? I have it. Looks good on the bookshelf, always mean to read it, I’ve literally flicked the pages but never had the time. No. Sorry. Never found the time. Ok. Seriously? Never made time to read it.

It’s not that it’s not a good book. I’m guessing it is because many people have heard about it. In fact… I found stats that suggest it’s sold 2 million copies worldwide.

It’s also not that I’m not interested in reading. I am very much interested in reading it but in terms of what I want to get out of it? I think I have. I should feel the fear and do it anyway.

Ever felt like a rabbit caught in headlights? Had a task and simply didn’t know how or where to begin? Maybe felt so overwhelmed by … well… everything that you became aware that you were no longer swimming. You’re now paddling. Now, come on… Could that be fear? Not just anxiety but the underlying fear that you just won’t be able to do it. So? You don’t.

Or maybe. Ok. This is an even better analogy. You know what you need to do to get out. You know? Wood for the trees? There are loads of trees. It almost seems too much to see a way out but… and this is a big but. With a single t if you’re thinking. Ok. Joke. I digress. But it is a big but. Because you can see the light. You know? Tunnel and end if gone to mind? You can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The guiding light amongst the trees.

So… you can see that light. And guess what? You know how you get to it and even more you know that’s the right way.

So, you have sight of your destination, a map to get you there, a compass should you get lost, you have the ability to use the stars as a map so you are never gonna get lost especially as you have a fully charge phone with working satnav and AAND big and here you know who to go to Ofir help if you need it and you’re not afraid to reach out.

So you have everything to get you there and you know it. So what’s keeping you from achieving your destiny? Have a good think. Sometimes it is simply that we just don’t want those things. Too much effort, takes you away from other things. Priorities don’t encompass those dreams and sometimes those dreams were never yours. Mum or dad or even your teacher put the idea in your head but it’s not you. But and again a big proverbial but sometimes you never stop dreaming it because it is your dream no matter who or what planted the seed. It’s what you want

And again why aren’t you taking the route that leads you out of the trees and into the be light that is your destiny-so to speak? Could it be that the fear that it may fail is too great? Well because if it does fail what dream do you have to replace it? There is joy in having dreams. And I use the plural now because we should all have dreams otherwise what’s the point? The dream to celebrate that birthday with a big bash. The dream to travel the world. The dream to meet your souls mate and know them when you meet them.

So how bad can it be if you fail? Unlikely though because you’ve been dreaming so much you already have everything in your head. No point dreaming of winning the lotto and never buying a ticket right? You may never win but if it’s your dream to win it’s never gonna happen if you don’t. Mmm that car, that house, that letter of resignation. Wooos I digress. But you get what I mean right?

If your dream fails, you can use your learning to try again. Maybe something completely different or maybe the same things slightly improved. Ever heard the saying try try try again? Go for it! Why not?

So completely digressed there but and a biiig but the reason I really haven’t read the book yet is it’s already inspired and impacted me. I feel the fear almost every day and when I feel like hiding or I stop in the headlights I recall the title and do it anyway. Onky good things can come from being brave enough to take action. Good things have come because of it. You? Have you felt this way and done it anyway? Are you there and will take the route to your dreams. Think of all of the GOATS that you know and I do mean greatest of all time… they didn’t get where they are but being too afraid to and now I’ll say what it is when you feel the fear and do it anyway… they were not afraid to take risks. It’s a risk. Even if small for you . My fear makes it a great big risk and I’m proud every time I do it. Go ahead. Feel the fear and do it anyway!

This is Chanel Ling

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