07 Apr

And I know you're reading this and wondering what on earth? Either you're thinking a 26 or 30 hour day is super long and who'd want to do that anyway? Or you're excited and thinking, wait I can make my day longer and get more done. Only now you're thinking but where would I get the energy? This is not possible!! I'm here to say it is possible. And it's all about managing your day, having the right people around you, the right tools and being disciplined. Somequickbullets (because I need to create time too :) ) 

  • Start with a work out - Did you know that a work out clears your mind, gives you energy and makes you ready for the day? Yes. It does! It can be hard to start but if you make it routine it will become part of your every day
  • Use a diary - plan your day -each day. Use a journal at the end of it to note the things you've achieved, what you're planning for tomorrow, what didn't go so well. Did you know journaling can be cathartic and almost like getting it all out of your mind so what happened in the day doesn't stay on your mind and keep you up at night.
  • Delegate - now this is the key- if you surround yourself with the right people and trust that they will deliver your day is already expanding. For every hour they do you gain at least 2 (let me know in the comments how you think that works)
  • Be firm. Say no when you should do. You cannot take on everything so did behave as if you can. You can however park things until a time when those extra hours permit
  • Get the right tools - sometimes you will have to spend to do this but a carpenter without the right tools is pretty slow, and may even prove useless to you (apologies to all the carpenters out there)
  • Select the right people - If you're running your own business this is easier than if you are working for someone else. You can simply make sure that the people you bring on have the experience you're after and can be trusted to do the tasks you need fulfilled. IF you're working for someone else without the opportunity to choose your "people" consider finding out what they are good at and delegating according to their abilities. When you really get to know them you'll have the opportunity to help them to grow by finding out what they like and taking it from there. But hey, that's another article.
  • Make sure that as part of using the right people you also touch base with them during a project so you know its going to plan and that they understood your brief. Also touch base at key milestones and ensure they know what these points should look like for the project and what completion should also look like
  • Look after yourself - treat your body like a temple and try, on most days, to eat well and keep hydrated (if you're thirsty you're too late).
  • Use some of those extra hours to enjoy yourself!
  • AND
  • Whatever you do, you need to be disciplined. It will mean you always start the day with a workout, you always have a plan and stick to it, always use your people, etc and that you find the day for you may really be 6 hours. If you get this spot on it may even be less but you will see that your output will look more like 26-30 hours work

 Do let me know in the comments if you try this and how it goes for you. Article Getting off the treadmill... So you can either accept that you are corporate and choose to work for someone else. You grow and progress within one of more companies as you make moves within your chosen career or you can decide that this is not where your heart is. So, not where your heart it? Now it's to choose not if but when, how and make sure you have already decided the why (see above) you are choosing to "do your own thang". Be brave. The hardest thing is doing it. You may find that the only way is to simply dive in. You're gonna get wet, you may even flail or fail -sometimes but keep on picking yourself up. If you believe in you you will be fine. And, what do you get out of it? Well, whether it's more money (and often it is not) you should find that you get more satisfaction. Come on. Who wouldn't want to only answer to themselves? This is Chanel Ling. Signing out until the next time CHANEL LING PUTTING THE WORLD TO RIGHT 

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